
I didn't take my 'big camera' on holiday with me recently, it took up too much room in my bag and as we were only taking hand luggage with us I needed the space for books, magazines and other assorted bits and bobs. Plus, I just like travelling light anyway. And I got into the habit on holiday as well of using my phone to take pictures and stick 'em up on Facebook for pals and that seeing as there was unexpected free wifi at our holiday home which made it all very easy and immediate.

And since getting back from holiday last weekend I've continued with the phone and the old point-and-shoot camera for photos. I'm sure the DSLR will be out and about with me on a daily basis soon enough but for me  now I'm quite liking this kind of thing. The photos are less-refined, the quality is certainly a bit 'less', I see them as like rough cousins to the usual kind of  thing - fun for a while but you might not necessarily want to be around them forever.


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