
So if me and my family hadn't gone down to Portobello for tea out and then hadn't decided when we got there that we'd go for fish and chips and hadn't been in the chippy when there was cycling on the telly in said chippy then I'd have completely forgotten about that London-Cycling ride thing that indeed was available on iplayer by the time we got home. Evening sorted then.

Earlier in the day, I got up thinking about my bike and how I should just take that multi-tool that I'd borrowed off someone last night and try and fix that snapped chain because there was no way I was going to pay a shedload of money to get things fixed. Fiddly but straightforward, and pretty soon I had a bike that looked like it should work. So I thought I'd take it for a short, local ride just to check it did all work but by the time I got to Holyrood Park (approx 3 miles from my house) it all seemed fine and I thought I'd push on...for another 23 miles. And then come back again. I got a little bit carried away by the fresh air and the strong westerly I feel. And, as my odometer ticked over to 1000 miles as I passed Dirleton I felt like I'd made the right decision. (And the photograph here of some road and landscape was taken at precisely the location where I pulled over to commemorate the occasion.)

"You'd rather sail the ocean"

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