
By Croft16

Back home again..

..up at 6:30 this morning, animals fed and watered.
Then my turn.. On the road at 8, heading for the bank in xxxxxxx for 9:00. Got there and it doesn't open until 9:45. Need change for the float for the Gala day on Saturday. Luckily the mobile bank was outside, and it was opened just for me to exchange note for coin.. I can't see that happening anywhere else in the country!! (names omitted, because he shouldn't really have done that - thank you..)

On to Inverness to get wiper blades for the car, to fit while I was at the airport waiting for G. Yes, got the wrong ones, and the car was booked in for an MoT test at 12:15.. Took Tanni for a walk to see the planes land. She's not sure about planes and gets quite nervous..

Sat on our normal bench and waited for G. As soon as she came out the doors, I let Tanni go to greet her. It's a sight worth seeing, tails wagging, faces full of smiles, and cuddles..

Then back to exchange the wiper blades for the right ones, all OK, but Hal****s didn't have the one for the rear window. So a trip around to the football ground and Euro-car parts to get the right wiper. Now I've found this place, I'm not going back to Hal****s again.. Very helpful..

Onto Qu****t for the MoT, and a walk to the Blytheswood charity shop to kill time. Picked up a few freebie DVDs and music CDs for a few pounds - Bargain. Back to Qu****t, and the car has failed. CV boots and a Stabilizer link. So have to leave the car there to get it fixed, should be done by 5ish.

A walk round town, G, Tanni and me, and as most shops don't allow dogs, it meant shopping one at a time. G went to M&S, and BHS, while I took Tanni for a walk around the higher part of the town. It poured down, and we couldn't find shelter. Both soaked!!

Met up again, and walked up towards the castle looking for somewhere to have lunch. Came across this place, and we'll definitely be going back again. A pint each, burger, and Haddock, both with chips and salad for less than £20, and excellent service to. We did have to sit outside with Tanni, but they turned the heaters on for us. And gave Tanni a bowl of water.. Recommended.

Back to Qu****t at 4:30, and the work hadn't even begun. So we sat in the waiting room and drank their tea and coffee, and threw a ball for Tanni, and left wet footprints everywhere.. Completed at 6:10.. Car is legal for another year!

Quick trip to Morris**s for a bit of shopping, and to pick up supplies for the Gala day this Saturday. Coke, and diet coke, and lemonade, and Lager, and Beer..

A bit to eat in Ullapool, and back home by 10:00.

And now relaxing with a beer and catching up with the cyberworld..

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