
By Madchickenwoman


Well the headache last night turned into an evil son of a b**** and is up there in the top 5 of worst ones I have ever had. Usually they are migraines and affect one side of my head and face, with a pounding like someone is hitting my head with a hammer,  that by some strange technique if I concentrate on the pain, I can  hold from actually impacting, I feel it but it doesn't actually hit me. Last nights was nothing like that - the pain  was in the centre of my head, not my forehead but actually the front part of my head just above the hairline. I had taken 2 tablets and was going to take a migraleve, but couldn't remember if it was the pink or yellow to take when it was full blown, so took 2 more nurofen instead. My bed was unmade and fresh clean duvet covers were waiting to be put on, but that was beyond me, so I simply crawled under the duvet with a wet flannel and a towel in case I was sick. Actually I wasn't sure if it was that end I should have been worrying about as the pain seemed to upset my entire system! I was going from hot to cold and the part of my face not covered by the wet, cold flannel felt as if it was going to combust.The worst part was the fact I seemed to have a slideshow going on in my head of photographs! Not ones I had taken, landscape /streetscape views I think, avenues seemed to feature. They were vivid and fast changing and totally freaked me out, I just wanted darkness and quietness and for the pain to stop, not some visual sensory overload. I can only think the part of the brain the pain was located in was causing this. I did think if i had caught what Milly had, and didn't wonder she hasn't been eating or moving, and could only think of the agony I must have caused her when I picked her up and gave her medicine or water. I had taken my phone with me and at one point thought that if it didn't ease I would phone an ambulance as none of what I was experiencing was anything like previous ones. Thankfully I fell asleep, or lost consciousness - I'm really not sure which. 
So no boat trip for me today!! But I did feel ok so decided to go photograph the sculptures in Cotehele Orchard and then join them for a cream tea. Having noticed people by the barn/shed, I decided to go look at what was inside. A huge apple press! What a thing of beauty! With an enormous apple shoot and a huge wooden clog system, the point of which I have no idea and as time was getting on I didn't read the informative posters on the wall to find out! I did make a detour via the shop and Art gallery however!  I may have bought a plant and some sculpture and a black, shapeless, shroud like sleeveless, finely and losely  knitted long tunic thingy!!
met friends and discovered they had got the boat times wrong and had driven up!! We all had the speciality clotted cream scones - Pina Colada style! Pineapple in the scone and a passion fruit jam! I must admit to giving a rendition of Copacabana and shaking imaginary maracas before tucking in! 
Our conversation ended up with the usual argument between French Dweller and I - this time about whether animals sting/kill just for the hell of it - I said yes, giving foxes inclination to kill every chicken in a coop but only to take one, I would concede this was a frenzy of blood lust perhaps, but FD said they would do this in the wild and then bury what they didn't eat to seem them and their cubs through. However I'm not sure in the wild where they would come upon a whole flock of anything to have the luxury of a mass kill and burial, and reckon this burying takes place over time. I also cited red ants biting and killing my guinea pig, and she was not threatening them at all - FD reiterated animals bite/kill when threatened, but what a shy, burbling mass of a guinea pig could pose any sort of threat to an ant is beyond me. FD said it would crush them, but I know from a Zoologist friend that they can withstand great weight put upon them to no avail, unless a squishing movement accompanies the weight. My guinea pig never squished in its entire short life! I maintain they kill and then question after " soryy, you were threatening me were you not?" - and of course no one says no as they are already dead! 
Well we left that particular argument unresolved and for some reason got onto Liberty bodices which led me to Chaucer and chastity belts!! Which we all agreed must have chaffed ever so slightly! There was a lady with a skittish West Highland White who seemed to have been eavesdropping our conversation for a while - she moved off when I began to elaborate on exactly what a determined suitor may suffer! 
Our final topic was the government plan of declining benefits to alcoholic, drug addicts s and overweight people who would not seek help - of no doubt a government approved scheme. I then began to wonder if I had the  power what I would legislate against - badly dressed people I decided after seeing a woman pass by  in a dayglo orange t shirt  that hurt my eyes! I wonder if we could also stop paying those MP's that  drink copious amounts of champagne and eat lavishly and are therefore overweight and oh yes - use drugs! That would save us an absolute fortune! 
P.S. Milly is looking even better today!! 
P.P.S. The blip? Reminiscent of my headache - had to do it!!! 
More normal ones of the orchard on Flickr of course!

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