Kitchen Art #1
I have been around Blipfoto (on and off) for about a year now. I realise of course what a great concept it is but I have never been able to experience the enthusiasm that some of my friends do.
Then of course it hit me! (it takes a while if one is especially thick) I have never tried to Blip EVERY DAY. I have always waited until I thought I had something that was worth sharing. Clearly I had the wrong idea. Life is messy and so inevitably are the meaningful images which try to illustrate it. I shall try to Blip everyday and see if the dedication (obsession??) comes to me, like it has to so many other people. (Gulp) Here goes.
I have always been intrigued by the idea that attempts at actual "art" (allow me a few harmless delusions) can be made out of the things that one finds lying around a kitchen. When all else fails I shall pull out a utensil and see what I can do with it. Wish me luck.
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