
By PlanW

That Toddlin' Town

Global Volunteering event. Barnado's 'Big Toddle', Edinburgh's Botanical Gardens.

How I pretended to myself it happened ...
"The man due to be Big Todd's got an emergency and can't get here, all the teeny tiny toddlers will be distraught ... what are we going to do?"

How it really came about
"Can I be Big Todd? Can I? Can I? Please let me. Go on. Can I?

I spent two hours in this contraption, in a purple lycra undersuit and balaclava, running about like a loon and had the time of my life. When the toddlers/pre-schoolers started to arrive and saw me, they all started shouting for me Todd. They'd all been briefed on me Todd and were so excited. Most were right in there high-fiving (some a little hard, and you're not allowed to give them a dig back, it's in the rules.) but some were more reluctant. I must admit I established some favourites and seeing a shy one eventually want to be beside you Todd for a hand-hold or a hug was priceless.

I tell you, I really worked that suit. I was running through the finish line over an over, I was clapping my hands when I was happy and I knew it and I had my photo taken hundreds of times. Anyway, my effort paid off and I've got the gig again next year. Hurrah.

I realised that as I was on company business and therefore getting paid, that made me a professional mascot. Next stop Champions League fitba.

Chicago, Chicago. Frank Sinatra

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