Just the Withers......

By JaneW

BFF !!!

I am Hugos godmother ... Quite why I was given this task is a wonder ... I swear at tiny babies and jiggle them about roughly ... I swear at toddlers and rough them up .. I buy inappropriate gifts and let them watch inappropriate TV shows and films .... in fact I treat all my godchildren and my own parasites in this shoddy manner... WHY does anyone let me near their children ??
Hugo is 16 soon,he was 18 months old when Eve was born and from the SECOND he saw her massive fat bald head he loved her ... He constantly stroked her fat cheeks ... Never ever have they fallen out or bickered ... Hugo says that Eve is his 'sista'from another Mista' haaaahaaaaa
They do not fancy each other I have been told many times over the years,they simply love each other like family x

My uncle has had an improvement today !!! No oxygen mask required !!! Hurrahhhhh xx

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