Getting the hang of it

I met up with my brother at the Wolseley Centre and we had a lovely couple of hours.  First of all we headed for the boardwalk, where the kingfishers are seen.

He's very good at spotting birds and noticed the kingfisher almost immediately. He was just crossing the river - and then later (possibly) another one flew the length of the river.  All you see is a flash of blue - sometimes you hear the whistling sound before he whizzes past. But apart from these moments, we didn't see him again.

The bird hide was wonderful. Lots of very young birds learning how to land on the perches and choose what they want from the seeds. I could have watched them for hours.

It was my brother's first visit to the centre. I think he enjoyed it.

Extra photos :  does my bum look big in this ?
                        :  enjoying the school holidays

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