Vibrant Colours at Dawn

"For as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy.” (Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics, 1098a18)   I've been reading about 'happiness' and what makes us happy. Aristotle believed that having happiness as your goal now was unattainable - it was something to aim for at the end of your life. Interesting!

Wow! It was amazing on the beach this morning! I could see the deep red on the horizon when I woke up so got myself down the hill as quickly as I could. I very nearly missed the colour for this one; another 2 minutes and it was virtually over.

I know that it's MonoMonday/Spring but once I'd taken the dawn shots any thoughts of finding something for MonoMonday kinda disappeared. I tried converting this one to MM though, and calling it Spring at Dawn. Has it worked? Yeah nah!!  -  that's kiwi slang :)   The explosion of colour image stays, because people have commented on the burst of colour already!!!  The Mono image is relegated to Extras. Can I get away with doing MM like that? Probably not - sorry for the confusion :)

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