playtime coloring...
...of a sunflower
about the only color - as well as sun - i nearly saw today - as more rain fell from the sky - i decided to mess around - with drawing apps which reminded me - of childhood days when i would - pull out coloring books and crayons - to while away the afternoon - remember those times? - actually there are now what - they are calling 'adult' coloring books - designed to help us get - back to relaxing and times of - calm, stress-free playtimes for ourselves - where we can use crayons or colored pencils - to fill in the drawing or design - you might even use watercolors - a wide variety of these books - are available to assist people - to destress from their hectic lives
i find it all very interesting - when i can simply walk out my door - into god's wonderful creation - immerse myself in the sights and sounds around me - getting lost in all i am exposed to - i believe that in itself is a great stress reliever - plus it's free and - it has all the makings of...
happy day.....
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