


Day with my nephew & Godson Richard ❤
We walked into town, chatted and laughed, and he chose his birthday and summer holiday presents from me. He is so grown up now and such good company. He has been practising his French with me! LB will be pleased to know that he chose some joggers for himself... (& he persuaded me to buy a pair too!! Mine were on Sale and a quarter of the price!) I have never owned a pair of joggers before and can't believe how comfy they are! So really looking forward to slumbering in them ❤
Then we met Grandad(Dad) who took Richard home and I went for a long overdue hair cut! (Pic above).
Then my sister (who has recently taken up dressmaking as a new hobby) came over in the evening to measure me, tack and pin me, etc for a new top that she is making me... It looks fab already!!
Quiet evening with the folks and maybe a glass of red with my Dad.❤

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