Kids, eh?
I was up betimes and drove off down to No Place, where I met up with the cousins for a few hours of much-needed rehearsal. We had to finish up by 5 pm though, since another band had apparently booked the room to practise in for the evening (how very dare they?)!!
So I headed in the direction of a budget hotel in Gateshead, in which the food was almost as indifferent as the service. No matter; it was convenient, and when I got back to my room I was treated to a herring gull cabaret. The three extremely persistent youngsters were harrassing the parent for ages (with no visible effect that I could see) - presumably it's time they started to go foraging on their own account. Their camouflage is wonderful - admittedly, this was taken in twilight, but I had to increase the contrast quite a bit just so you could see them at all!
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