Amazing reaction

As hubby was left to work, I went back to bed and have the most exciting crime-type-dream going on as my friend woke me up at quarter to eleven as she came visiting - I had offered her some kale leaves.
Well, it really was a good time to wake up for me.

Partly rainy and warm, cloudy day, +19c, just lovely weather. I have done nothing wise. Only some shopping: I bought some shorts and a two thin sports jacket at sales. Not wise, I quess, but I wanted to have something brightcoloured sports equipment instead of grey or black.

One of the jackets is fluoresent green. Quite ugly colour, I think. But safe, I guessed.

Had to test it of course, so I made a short bicycle trip and every car driver saw me. And gave me room to pass. Even if I showed them to go first.

Amazing reaction - I really was seen differently than ever before!

Evening. My bottom needs sauna after all the bicycling. Which is not too amazing reaction after all the lazy months before my holiday... But the truth is, that I have more time to excersice on holiday...

See you later, friends!


ps: After sauna I added one extra shot from our front yard: the old dark red rose is so stunning great looking!

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