Keeping Secrets

Some evenings are unforgettable. 

Luke invited me, and my camera, to a party.  His brother turned twenty one this week and it's also his parents 25th Wedding Anniversary. What he organised was quite amazing. 

He invited friends and family from far and wide, organised hotels, venue, a hog roast and only asked that everyone brought their own drinks.  The most wonderful thing is that everyone kept it a secret for well over a month.  When Amanda, Ian and Ryan left the house thinking they were going for a quiet meal to celebrate, they found a tractor and trailer waiting, adorned with balloons and bunting, blown up wedding photos and banners bearing birthday wishes.  

The venue is less than half a mile from their house.  The hall was decked and the guests lined the drive to cheer them in.  Needless to say the look on their faces was priceless.

Darkness fell as we savoured Luke's home grown and succulent pork. Then the speeches and the cutting of cakes before the dancing started.
 The music and laughter continued well beyond midnight.  

 What a joy to participate such a fantastic event!

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