Life through the lens...

By ValC


This is one of my favourite lilies I have in the garden.
I bought three bulbs four years ago at the Harroget Spring Flower Show, planted them in a large pot and they have flowered very well every year.
The flowers are a pale yellow/green and last year I had 12 flowers on one stem.
I'm hoping they will wait until we are back from holiday before they flower this year!

Our grandson has been round tonight. We are very lucky that he will do all the watering while we are away. We haven't a big garden but quite a lot of pots, not forgetting the window box and the hanging basket.

Just doing the last of the washing and ironing.

MrC watching football yet again!

We had a very good wine tasting and meal last night.
All the Spanish wines were good. A small producer who only sells to individual wine retailers. They go by the name of "La Bascula".
I had a very nice main course of Baked cod with tomatoes,chorizo and thyme.
MrC had slow roasted crisy pork belly with peppers,potatoes and paprika.
Followed by Strawberry clafoutis with clotted cream, me, MrC slate of Spanish cheeses with celery, grapes and speciality crackers.

Must get back to the ironing!

Hope you are all having a good week.

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