bucks life

By bucksmiss

Mellow day

I had a varied day. It started with dropping L into work and then a training session at 9am. It was hard but good and I felt great after.

I pottered at home then met J for a coffee in Stony after lunch. We met in Costa and it brought back memories of B as we'd meet there every Saturday. It's been almost a year since she died.

It's been ages since J and I met up and it was nice to share some news. I'm hoping to see a bit more of her. Her husband runs a quiz night in the local pub every Tuesday so I quite fancy that once in a while. She's doing lots of walking at the mo and I do miss the days when a group of us would pile up to the Peaks for a weekend of walking so maybe we can aim for that again...

After picking L up we had a decent curry in Stony (blipped) and I had an early night, going up at around 9.30. Bliss...

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