Stan! Stan, where are you?

I finished all the cleaning this morning...well as much as I was ever going to do! It was done just in time to go and meet the lovely LadyG at the station. Now, every time we meet up we have to organise a celebrity, last time she laid on David Cameron for me, so I had been under a bit of pressure. It had been difficult, but I managed to pull one out of the bag...Michael Le Vell. He isn't a big name I know, he isn't a top actor...but I do like a bit of continuity. As a surprise I had booked us onto the Coronation Street tour....and so a Corrie actor was perfect. 

Walking to the Alchemist for a bite to eat he passed us in the street...just as I planned LG!!! Well, I couldn't keep the secret anymore and so I told her then that we were going on the tour later. I think the fact that she jumped up and down and hugged me meant she was pleased ha ha. 

We met up with Kathymay for lunch, then after a little mooch around town and a cheeky cake and cuppa later we headed for the hallowed cobbles. Oh what fun we had, oh what laughs we had, oh what great pics we was a toptastic day!! I loved it so much I morphed into Hilda :)

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