horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

It's Breezy Sunshine

After an early morning jaunt to the tyre place to finally resolve the car's wheel issues we were off over the Firth to Kirkcaldy to see Fi and Susan for the first time in far too long. Lovely to catch up, and see their new house. With the predicted storms not quite coming, despite the strong winds, it was a great day for a walk along the shore, heading west to a rocky spot with seals basking and a couple checking out me and Fi down at the water's edge. But always nice to see Gannets as well, and they were coming pretty damned close to us (though this shot was my favourite, the bird having just spotted something in the water and about to dive, with Berwick Law in the background - a day of backgrounds, one of the extra images below having Edinburgh and Salisbury Crags behind the seals).

Pub lunch stuffedness, and a nice drive back around the coast home. Really nice Saturday. Now just watching the Tour while Mel snoozes, with cheese coming up to room temperature for a simple (i.e. no effort involved) dinner.

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