Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Focus, balance and the passage of time

I think I have both of these in my life at the moment - certainly in some parts, but there have been a few odd little 'moments' recently when I have felt less focused, less balanced.  I really don't think it's anything to be concerned about other than my body gently telling me that it is changing, feeling it's way into a new way of being.

I read somewhere that with the start of each decade we re-invent ourselves (consciously or sub-consciously).  I am interested and excited about this new phase, of joining the wondrous company of 'elders', 'wise women' - call it what you will. 

And I move forward with a spring in my step, fire in my belly and a song in my heart.

This image is of an exhibit in the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Art, a step away from where I work.

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