Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Another beautiful, sunny, crisp day in Edinburgh.

My day didn't start very positively, was feeling sore, lazy and fed up. But I gave myself a talking to and got dressed and started moving!
Decided that if I haven't got anything to do in the day, I am going to go for a walk, give myself a purpose to each day.

I am glad I did this today as it was a lovely day,

At one end of my street I have the sea and the harbour and at the other end I have a park, how lucky am I!
Took a walk through the park and was spoilt for choice on the photo front, so many nice trees and leaves on the ground.

I also passed my Secondary School (which is next to my flat) and I felt like I could go back in and be at school again despite leaving 13yrs ago. I loved school,and the saying 'school is the best days of your life' are certainly true for me!

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