Dreary day droplets

Pretty miserable day today, grey drizzle and skies :-/

Our hairdresser came this morning, so at least that had perked me up! After lunch the rain stopped for a little while so I nipped out into the garden, as our fennel, which is now some 6/7 feet tall, was covered in fine droplets that looked lovely in the light.

This afternoon I've cleaned the kitchen floor, edited some photos, just got to decide what to do for dinner now!

A trip round to daughters house later as BiL is coming to measure up for her new kitchen :-)

I've added a nice bright extra........this is Piazza Bra (Big Square) in Verona, where there just happened to be a Fiat Barachetta Car Rally. Apparently Barachetta means "little boat", so now you know ;-)

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