
5years 262days

Katie has had a fabulous afternoon. After school I picked her up and we popped home for afternoon tea. I took her to piano and she was such a good girl, had a wonderful time. I love seeing her confidence grow, her love for it grow, her musicality being released in this new form. She had a composition homework & had written the first phrase of a piece she titled "funny monkey". She performed it so proudly for Barbara and it was adorable.

After piano I took her to a friends house. She hasn't seen E & S in a while but they ran off to play as though they saw each other every day. I was away to do the last nights face painting for Cats- I am named in the programme twice, how exciting! When I returned Katie was fast asleep (710!). They'd had picnic tea in the play fort, trampolined, had "rainforest showers" in their giant new shower with fabulous shower caps and done lovely shared reading. I got a lovely evening chatting with a friend before I packed Katie up and tucked her in at home. A great time for both of us!

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