You've got a friend - June Challenge

June Challenge June 11th - A friend
On Friday afternoon a substantial part of a large ash tree fell in the back garden flattening a shed and just missing the chicken house.

Today, in the torrential rain I tried to move some of it and noticed the glorious colours of the wet lichens.

Lichens are in fact two species, usually a fungus and photosynthetic partner living together for mutual benefit known and 'Symbiosis'

The meaning of symbiosis is derived from the Greek "living" and "together" and is defined as a close and often long term interaction between two biological species.

What more could one wish for?

Must dash, I've got friends The Bitch Pack coming round for dinner.

Ain't it good to know

1. Inspired by...
2. A toy
3. Green and yellow
4. Drink
5. Sky
6. Descend
7. Passages, Real & In Time
8. Dusk
9. 4 of a kind
10. A snack
11. A friend
12.Take 12
13. On a bench
14. A flag
16. A phobia
17. A love for...
18. Flame
19. Colorful
20. Fast
21.Welcome summer
22.With wings
23. Pink
24.Make believe
25.Through a window
26. A passion
27. A tomato
28. Music. How you listen
29.Through a lens
30. Playful

I thought I'd give it a go!

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