Neckie Deckie deckeeee!

My blip today is about past memories.

Around 35 years ago we made our first camping trip to France, in our 2CV with all the bedding wrapped in polythene and tied to the roof. It was quite a trip from the north with 3 children aged 2, 5 and 8 squashed in the back.

Going abroad was very different then. In France we could enjoy food not so readily available at home. We enjoyed fresh French bread, tomatoes that were strangely shaped but far tastier than what we get now, and cheeses. We'd have local wine and the girls would get Orangina in the original squat little bottles, or a sorbet called Lemon Pouspous. It was there the girls had their first ripe, juicy nectarines - the joyful answer to the question "What fruit are we going to buy on the market?" was "neckie, decky deckeeee". With globalisation comes the opportunity to enjoy these without going to France, Spain or Italy. But nothing lives up to the memory of the first delicious nectarine.

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