The Big Reveal!!

Well after three sleepless nights I have finally been through all of the mystery macros and then revisited them to see the "Big Reveals".  What a challenge and what fantastic entries.  I have nearly driven myself mad trying to work out the mystery macros and coming up with a selection for the week has been a nightmare.  I could have listed every entry as you all put so much effort into your images and it really made it a lot of fun.

So a big drum roll for the following Mystery Macros and I urge you to visit them all and then go to the following days blip to see the "Mystery Objects".  Most of them have been featured in the Extra for the day.

Miffy (The master of mystery - nearly drove me crazy)

Donna Wanna (The greenies nightmare and such a cool image!!)

Tree Hugger (I cleaned up with This one - fantastic effort TH :-))

Beachcomber149 (Now I want to find a beach to walk along - can't wait)

Hanulli (An icy cool entry and I reckon I got pretty close!!)

Joquinn (Even with lots of clues it drove me mad - thanks a lot Joquinn!!)

Aliscotia (I could only come up with crumbs in the final analysis!!)

OSuzanna (I felt like a real peanut for not guessing this one)

Biker Bear (the naughtiest macro of all from one of the cheekiest blippers of all!!)

So thank you all so much for participating in this mind challenging Tiny Tuesday and for all the blippers who got involved trying to guess the Mystery Macros.  I think from all the comments coming through we will have to schedule another one really soon.  I think it did make us think macro as opposed to Close Ups, so well done everyone for that.  It's the mystery of macro that is so addictive.  Seeing the hidden world that we would normally never even consider.  Next week will be a normal TinyTuesday and I really look forward to seeing your great images coming through.

PS - And just for the fun of it and to make you all put your thinking caps one one more time this week.  I would love you to identify my blip tonight.  Why should I be the only one to lose sleep over a macro!!

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