Ellisroger Photos

By Ellisroger


A wonderful three hour walk around Bolton Abbey today. This picture is the weathervane on Bolton Hall, near the start of the walk. There were so many curlews about today (all too distant and quick for me) that I had to choose this image of a slender golden curlew.

The walk took in Hare Head. On my way down, shortly before seeing this tree, I was squelching slowly through a bog. Then the path became firmer so I accelerated. My left foot found a deep hole and I fell. My main concern was to protect my camera, hanging around my neck. So, I did a sideways somersault, with twist and fell, reasonably softly, on my back. So, if the British Olympic gymnastics team are a man short, just get in touch.

Later in the walk I visited The Strid, walked through a ford, and then ended up at Bolton Priory, in the grounds of which there were some amazing gravestones, including one with this detail.

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