When it gets dark we go home ....

Birthdays and Cephalaria
Stood looking across to the sun setting beyond Blencathra I was struck by the astonishing range and rich complexity of emotions that apply to all the moments that fill our days. They fill the landscape of our field of 'vision', the colour, texture, depth and connection of our 'view' of the world, if we give them the space and time, without too much fear. As I thought about it I had 'A Walk on the Wild Side' in my head and an image of emotions as prostitutes parading the sidewalks flaunting their wares which made me smile a little. But I settled more with A Perfect Day for it's nostalgia value and for the curious and different energy that accompanies moments and particularly memories and the power of their linked emotions which struck a chord today whilst talking through work stuff with a colleague.


without the mercy of
your eyes your
voice your
ways(o very most my shining love)

how more than dark i am,
no song(no
silence ever told;it has no name-

but should this namelessness
vanish,at the infinite precise

thrill of your beauty,then
my lost my
dazed my
whereful selves they put on here again

- to livingest one star
as small these
all these
thankful(hark)birds singing wholly are

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