The Bees are Buzzing in the Trees

Some amazing source of knowledge (Facebook) told me that if you find a weary bee, feed it sugar and water, and it will miraculously recover and go about it's merry way.

Well it didn't work. 

There were a couple of factors to consider here. 

1.  I found him inside a vase.  I have no knowledge how long he had been there. 

2. I dropped him off the sheet of paper onto the floor. 

3. I squirted the water and sugar mix directly at him.  

4. I hit him on the head with the camera while moving in for close up. 

5. I'm not sure that there wasn't prozac in the syringe when I drowned him in the sugar water mix. 

But the point of the matter is I tried. 

I have left him under an apple tree in the lengthening shadows, with the kitchen paper soaked in sugar and water.   I hope he gets better, or blows away with the wind.

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