
By QuerkyPoo


I dont know - I thought 'menage a Trois' was a meeting of three ?
maybe its something to do with the deal that goes on during the sale of what appears to be Junk !  Well as they say ones mans junk is anothers rubbish !!
anyway its a continuation of the little old building blips. the shop is on its last legs and I was humoured by the verandah being propped up on what appears on the footpath to be nothing but its own weight - Its amazing that this little wooden shop in New Brighton survived the earthquakes as the surrounding area is absolutely 'munted' - Now there's a word we havnt been using for a little while ?
PS I put up an extra today of something a bit more 'plutey' - you decide which ones more a 'Menage A Trois' ?

rgds poo

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