Too much iron!

Must stop taking my iron pills!
Took no1 son into Inverness where he went around with his CV and by the afternoon he had got himself a job. Not from the interview he did in the morning as he didn't like the work but he got  job doing bar work starting this Sunday. So it will be back up to the Sneck on Sat with him and all his stuff. He will be staying with a pal temporay till his other pal & him find a place to rent.
Then drove back to Argyll today stopping off at the Glencoe chairlift centre to let the doggies out for a run, that's where I took the above shot.
Slept like a log last night, this might be a way to cure my  insomnia if I slept only ever two days!
Oban & Glasgow tomorrow to do some more house sorting. Sheesh I need a holiday
Second photo up the road from the ski centre 

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