Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Energy - Captured

What else would expect from a biologist? Solar energy, the greatest free energy source available.
We humans are mere bungling amateurs at harnessing the power of the sun. Plants, however, have been doing just that for millennia, trapping the sun's light energy in their chloroplasts and by the wondrously evolved process, photosynthesis, turning that energy into simple sugars.
These simple molecules are built up by the plants into myriad different forms that in turn provide sustenance for other organisms to grow and develop. The other nutrients trapped by plants help build muscle to use the energy from the sun for movement.
My wbc entry for this weekend on the theme of 'energy' is a simple food chain. Light on the leaves producing sugar and sugar giving the salmon energy to swim.
Please note no living creatures were harmed in the production of this blip, and no, I don't believe you can catch salmon with sugar lumps.

PS the salmon was delicious with new potatoes and griddled asparagus.

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