Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Round and Round the Rugged Woods?

The ragged Blipper ran.

They told me the blip challenge would be infuriating at times. Most weeks I am too disorganised to bother with a plan. I wait till Sunday afternoon and then have a brainstorm! So it isn't usually too stressful.
This week though when the theme is "ragged" I had it sorted in my mind - Ragged Robin, that 'common' hedgerow plant that I would find in abundance in the most photogenic of locations. Aye right!!! Big mistake. I had a Friday banker shot of a frayed red ensign at Granton Harbour - out of focus and the wine took over on Friday night anyway!
So a week of screeching to a halt at the sight of pink flowers in the verges and I still hadn't found any.
I dropped G off at Strathclyde Park on my way to visit Annie this afternoon hoping to spy the elusive wildflower there. No luck. Last resort was Plean country park - Red Campion in profusion but no RR. So the backlit hairy stems of the Campion will have to do.

Annie is continuing to improve but I suspect her recovery may be entering the next phase now. There is no physio at the weekends, so I think that frustrates her and makes time hang heavy. however Katie arrived from London for a few days and Annie now has an iPad to watch and listen to talking books with. Sally and Katie leave for the US next weekend on the family holiday that Annie was so looking forward to. I think this may be the hardest time for her so far.

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