
By MarnieL


It was a long night. The pond lady arrived mid afternoon for the monthly maintenance. However, as she didn't come last month, it was a very big job this month and she didn't finish until about 10:00pm. When Wendy left, the water was filling, but was not yet high enough to turn off the fill hoses and start the pump. The fish rely on the aeration, circulation and filtration provided by the pump and the waterfall it powers, so it was important to wait up until the system was functioning properly. This photo was taken just before midnight and the waterfall was still waterless...

Part of the servicing involves draining almost all of the water, leaving just enough for the fish to keep their heads beneath the surface. I climbed in the pond when the water was at it's lowest and held a few of the fish, tickling their bellies just the way they liked. Some of the bigger ones seem to know me now and kept coming back for more. I am amazed at how comfortable they are with me and I with them, especially given that I have a completely irrational fish phobia. I guess they like me because they know who feeds them. :)

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