Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

Another Summers day..........

Well here we are again, just a little after 11am, the weather's closed in, and suprise suprise, yes it's raining again.
The weather yesterday was just superb, but unfortunately i had to get some DIY out of the way, and help Lewis fit a pair of new wing mirrors to his car. His old wing mirror's had been damaged beyond repair by some kind passers by, when he'd left his car for thirty minutes while shopping last Saturday afternoon.
We priced up a pair of new mirrors for his car at the local Vauxhall dealers, £113.13 per mirror.........i don't think so........e-bay to the rescue, £56 for the pair including p&p, genuine Vauxhall items.......thank you very much. Lewis rang a local garage on Friday afternoon for a quote on fitting his mirrors, £35 per mirror.
So we set to it yesterday afternoon, all fitted and working in less than 40 minutes.
After a little more pottering about around the house it was just after 7pm, where the hell did Saturday go.........??
I'd checked the forecast for today and knew it wasn't going to be brilliant, so planned for an early start this morning.....
Camera and gear packed into the Lowepro, clothes left out over the banister so i could get dressed downstairs this morning without disturbing anyone......
Had a trip to the bathroom at around 5am, peered out of the bedroom curtains on the way back, young blue tits on all of the feeders in the front garden, looks like a bumper year for our local blue tits........
Jumped back into bed, right i'll get up at 6, and be out and about by 6-30......
Is'nt that always fatal, fell out of bed at 8-30, Bev was already down at the gym.......
Deflated would be an understatement.........
Finally arrived by the moat at a little after nine, found a spot under some oaks and sat and waited.
The male Common Blue Damselfly is a very beautiful insect, but the more colourful female won my attention this morning, as it was the most colourful thing i saw while by the moat.

Have a great day.


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