Growing old disgracefully



I'm coming to terms with not getting a clean bill of health on Friday, and in particular the driving ban.  Its hard to explain why it cuts so deeply.   For the last four months I've been enjoying public transport and being a natural forward planner I can think my way round most issues.  I also have a wonderful chauffeur who can step in when public transport won't work - taking piles of stuff to the dump, for example, or picking up a hired chain saw.  I can manage fine without driving and I'd even planned at some point in the future not to have a car at all.   But to have the choice taken away for an indefinite period feels quite different. 

Maybe it is something to do with the fear of losing independence as I age. Anyway, it is something that I need to work on, cos long term comfort eating is no good!

Quiet day at home.  The VIP and I were planning some scientific experiments in the morning and the FCG and his Dad came round later for dinner. We ate outside in a balmy evening air. The garden is lush, untended and wild.  And I don't care. Potatoes, beans, onions, rasps and currants are flourishing with very little attention. 

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