Summer Blues (and Oranges, Reds and Purples)

Another peaceful Sunday morning stroll around Bordeaux Harbour (Guernsey) ... I saw just three other people in over an hour ... (one dog walker, a fisherman preparing his boat for a day out to sea and another photographer) ... :o)
Once again it was well worth the early struggle out of bed ... I was able to find a quiet secluded spot to greet the sun as it rose above the horizon ... :o)
My only real problem, was that unknown to me a bit of dust had settled itself on the lens filter ... Unknown to me, that is, until I downloaded the several shots I'd taken onto my laptop ... I think I've managed to "re-move" the blemish it produced by using Picasa ... So unless any of you out there can still see the mark, then I must have been reasonably successful ... :o)

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