Big Eyes

2years 233days

Katie had a REALLLY early night last night. Really really early. Like, at 3.30pm she fell asleep early and by 5.30 I had a feeling she wasnt waking up so put her on in her bed. She slept til midnight, had some milk and slept til 5. Tired little pickle!! We didnt even make it to the tiger who came to tea yesterday as she seemed so tired. While she was asleep, I had a visit from my bike mechanic and we now have us a really nice bike on a week's trial.

We've already had a busy morning - done dabber paintings, played with a gorgeous new wooden cake stand and cakes that she chose yesterday, been out in the garden, including breakfast alfresco.

She's playing with her nanny this morning for a few hours before we do some fun things together this afternoon. We want to do some baking and cooking together, we're going to make a vat of risotto as we bought all the ingredients and then did a different meal for that day.

Thankyou so very much for all the hearts and stars and comments for both Friday and yesterdays blip, they mean a lot xx

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