Moremore pretties

19months 20 days

Fridays are always a lovely day. Today no exception. We went to softplay this morning and Katie was particularly bouncy. The lady who supervises it was laughing at how especially bouncy Katie was! She set herself a climbing trail, pulling the blocks around and then walking the trail very happily. Until she got grabbed on the face and pushed by some little thug, but she soon recovered. She knows that softplay comes before gymnastics and very accurately determined the time to leave. She was only 3 minutes early!

Katie spotted Ava arriving from the full corridor away and was desperate to cuddle her. She kept creeping further down the corridor, until she couldnt resist and ran up.

The girls really loved their gymnastics class today. The bigger toddlers have been moved to a different class now, so it means that the younger toddlers can be more specifically catered for and they thrived as a result. Katie having a great time chasing balls on the parachute, except that at this point she wasnt meant to be on the parachute. Oops! When the big apparatus circuit was set up, Katie decided she was only doing one square of it - climbing up the ramp, across the high bench, onto the platform, stretch jump onto the crashmat. Lather, rinse, repeat. And repeat. And repeat!

I gave her some lunch after the class before we headed into town to get a few jobs done. My plan was for her to have a sleep, then to take her swimming as she's missing her class tomorrow. However Katie had a different plan. She wasn't going to sleep. So Katie didnt go swimming. Soon as I put her in the car, of course she was spark out.

We had a nice afternoon though, I took her to the library. On the way there, we pass some houses with gardens right beside the path. Katie loves touching all the pretties on the way. She ran into the library, looking for her favourite lady there and kept running back to say hello to her, when we were in the childrens' bit. It had been raining a little as we set off, but it rained a lot whilst we were there, so when we came out, there was of splash splash to be done.

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