Maidstone has been yarn blasted....

Our customary walk into town today was enlivened by the sight of many surfaces, objects and statues covered in colourful knitted or crocheted fabrics. Apparently it's a phenomenon where crafty people share their work with a wider audience. Originally it was known as "yarn bombing" but that label had unsavoury connotations, so it became yarn or fabric blast.

Lots of items had been blasted including lampposts, bins, bollards,, trees, plants, this bike and even good old Queen Victoria on her plinth sported a coat of many colours. I wonder if she would have been amused - seeing her normal state for most of her life appeared to be funereal black?

Quite an atmosphere in town today, making it a very pleasant place to be in the warm summer sunshine. Along with the yarn blast Maidstone ' Festival was in full swing and a Jazz Band was indeed swinging well on a stage in Jubilee Square.

Even Bearsted was in on things with its annual Fayre, the Green being crowded with people enjoying the afternoon. I had to gently make my way through the crowns to get to the allotments where I was faced with more weeding and tidying up and another haul of strawberries. Had to water the spuds again in this continually dry weather. I think now the last of the planting out had been done with the last of the squashes going in today. Perhaps not as I've sown some winter cabbages and another tray of dwarf beans.

Meanwhile Susan was working on the garden at home, siting plants around the pond, potting on some chillies and sorting out the watering system so that we don't have to go out each night to do the job.

Had the new potato that I posted yesterday for dinner and they were excellent - Casablanca they were and the best tasting new potato we've ever grown.

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