All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

St Inan's Fete

We spent the morning pottering around at Granny & Grandpa's house this morning. Lots of playing with toys, football in the garden (where Eden especially proved to be a whizz at kicking it - not bad for a 15 month old!) and Ethan fulfilled his bird feeder duties by helping fill up the feeder with nuts.

Hubbie, Grandpa and I then took Ethan & Eden to the St Inan's Fete which was on in the village. I was disappointed in the parade - I'm sure when I was a child, there were loads of creatively decorated floats, however today there were only 3 pitiful ones, some random haulage vehicles, removal vans, a fire engine and the pipe band. However, the kids loved watching it so that's the main thing. We then headed up to my old school (well, old school grounds, they knocked down my primary school years ago and rebuilt it) to check out the activities there. I took Ethan on a huge bouncy slide which he loved, although he was too nervous to go down it himself. A lunch of burgers and banana cake followed and then Ethan had his face painted which he was chuffed with. He fell asleep in the pushchair shortly after this so Grandpa walked back home with him while we drove Eden back.

Poor Granny wasn't feeling very well today though and spent the day in bed. Hope she's on the mend tomorrow.

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