Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Early start today in order to beat the heat.  For some reason I photographed guys today, I got home and downloaded the pix and all of them were guys working, funny how an inadvertent theme happens some days.  Anyway, Mr. Portland Water Bureau is my pick, he was looking a little stressed and just happened to turn in my direction while he was on the phone... the ladder down into the depths I am presuming is the reason for the call.  This was at the massive building site in the Lloyd District that is rapidly coming to completion. On the other side of the block they're already wheeling in gym equipment and putting in landscaping in the main courtyard.  

On a completely unrelated subject, Don Featherstone, designer and inventor of the iconic plastic pink flamingo lawn adornment (I couldn't think what else to call it) passed away earlier this week.


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