Absolute Beauty&Silence

Tropical Butterflies and Sacred Silence in the Lippoldsberger Cloyster. Two very different forms of fascinating experience today. One is about a multiformous butterfly dance going on and on everywhere around you, while you try to adapt yourself to the humid heat in a tropical greenhouse. The other blows right through your mind and soul as you sit in a mediaeval cloister church while the organ fills the high spaces with celestial music.

Both experiences marked our trip around the vast Solling Forest region. The sun is back again and offers an agreable warming up. On top of that a tropical heat is a sort of atrificial exageration, but as the exotic coloured butterflies want to have it, its fine...for a short while. Willemien prefers selfsacrifice for her Blipwork, so she had to dry up on a sunny lawn outside once she had found the exit door.

In the Church the roles are reversed: she strolls through the gardens outside, along old crumbling walls, while I stay inside between the pilars in the sacred space, meditating on the organ play. Musing on ideas as to lodge butterflies in empty churches, place Buddhas in Convent Gardens and play Cool Music in Greenhouses. Hoping for the softening, alleviation of the inexpressible suffering in this world, reminding of absolute beauty and serenity.

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