Weeping Wattle

I'm laughing so much I can barely type.  CCN has just made a very funny statement - "Where's Barb, she must have left the building".  I've had a wonderful day in Melbourne.  Following lunch with the family we headed over to Bulleen and enjoyed an "Express Blip Meet" with Nevermore at the Heidi Museum of Modern Art.  We literally had an hour to meet and chat over coffee before school commitments took priority.  It was well worth the effort though and just great to chat and compare notes with a blipper I have admired and followed for many months now.  Next time we meet we have definitely agreed it will a photographic Blip Meet.

I'm falling about laughing because of my blip.  After Nevermore had left CCN and I went for a quick stroll in the garden.  I was armed with every piece of photographic equipment I own as I wanted to show off my artillery to Nevermore.  I realised I still hadn't taken a photo and it was really very dull and overcast.  As we walked up the last few metres I spotted a very beautiful "Weeping Wattle".  I whipped out the trusty Sony and fired off a few shots.

We both spent nearly an hour trying to come up with something half decent and guess what, this is the best I can do.  My "Creative Director" gave up half an hour ago.  I bet there's a blipper in the world who hasn't had a blip crisis like the one I've faced tonight.  Anyway, it's good I can laugh about it and now this Wombats off to bed!!  

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