Corinthian Saves The Day

After returning from a potter along the Leeds Liverpool Canal - at Silsden - received a phone call from daughter's next door neighbour

S was in her back garden - when she heard the dulcet tones of  A - from an upstairs window  - saying that she was locked in - could neighbour please ring me - to let daughter out - the wind having blown a handleless bedroom door shut when she was cleaning - rescue mission duly accomplished

Opportune link into how you could save a day - of memories for Jenny - daughter of fellow blipper Wendles56.  On August 22nd - at 3pm - J is getting married at Skipton Registry Office - thought this could make for a good blipmeet -  we've not had one for some time - and am positive J will welcome any photos we take of her big day

Full details will follow - please let me know if you're interested -  along with any other blipping friends you may want to invite

Off for a lie down now - never normally write this much

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