
After a visit to the Farmers Market we went to see the Leith Festival Gala day parade. It rained. I only took a few pictures until I got some raindrops on the lens and this isn't the best of them, but I think that's Jezzebella standing near the police horses on the right, taking a photo. Didn't spot her at the time, but realised when I saw her blip of belly dancers who were a little further along in the parade. I had actually gone to the head of the parade to see if it was Jack the Blipper on that big horse, but it wasn't. (Pity, then I'd have got two blippers in the one frame!) Turned out that she had been just down the road 5 min earlier, blipping her own horse.....

The parade wasn't very long, but probably just as well considering the weather. We bumped into a few pals and had some delicious pakora from the Suruchi stall, but then headed home, where I stretched out on the bed with the idea of reading my book but fell fast asleep for three hours.

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