Steam Train
Sans steam.
A bit of a crowd had gathered to watch this curio* arrive in Alloa this evening. Lots of train chat (not from me obviously, I had my 'I-might-be-hanging-around-like-a-train-spotter-but-seriously-I'm-not' face on) and clicking of cameras, but bugger all steam.
The Tornado breezed into the town gently on it's way to lopp over the Forth Bridge for an appointment with some fireworks before heading back into the Capital. A good excuse to get out for a late evening cycle and watch the sun set over the shoulder of Dumyat.
*Train was built fairly recently and only had its inaugural run in 2008. The first steam locomotive to be built in the UK since 1960, it can cruise at 90 mph and has upstaged Jeremy Clarkson on an episode of 'Top Gear'. There. I've done the train spotting bit.
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