
By JoppaStrand

Porty People and Nearby Places

Caution I’m hot warned The Little Coffee Bag cup. Clearly In flight lingo for the Get-up-and-go- Generation!  

The flight to my meetings in Geneva this morning was operated by Titan Airways for the Easy Orange line at this busy holiday season.

The number of holiday making families adding to the Monday morning travel busyness at EDI made me wonder how many children were actually in classes at all today. This is not a new problem and one caused, in my view, by the travel industry exploiting the school holiday market by charging premium prices to go away when the schools are closed! Some Scottish families travel south to fly to the sun and later English ones, north, to try to off set some of these school holiday surcharges - taking advantage of the different finish to the school years north and south of the border.

It was much warmer in Geneva. By the end of the evening, the summer thunder storms created a dramatic natural son et lumiere over Lake Geneva.

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