The Good Rain

I woke in the night and could hear the rain pattering down outside - it felt good - we badly need some water.  I like lying in bed hearing a gentle breeze and the rain outside.  It rained hard all morning but by early afternoon the sky cleared and the sun came out and everything started to steam as the water evaporated in the warmth of the sun!  I can see how much the plants in my garden have perked up for the splash of water.  My blip is of a rambling rose which hangs over my fence from the garden next door.  It spans about six feet and the petals remind me of raspberry ripple icecream.  Speaking of which, this evening I treated myself to some lovely raspberries from just down the road in West Sussex - its my birthday so I wanted a treat but as I am on my own I thought if I brought a cake I might be tempted to eat it all! 

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