Predators and Prey

Midsummer's day. A very pleasant one too. After a busy week, we took a more leisurely approach today. I had a long lie in, followed by a cooked breakfast - the bacon we bought from the Smokehouse in Orford was delicious. Then a leisurely shower and an hour relaxing before I set off to walk to RSPB North Warren. It was pleasantly warm, and there was quite a bit of sunshine which, as I'd hoped, had brought out the dragonflies, and with them, the Hobbies over the fen. At least 5 Hobbies were out hunting when I arrived. There was also a Marsh Harrier over the Fen and the Harris Hawk we saw last week, whilst over the Warren, a Buzzard was flushed by a Green Woodpecker, then mobbed by a Crow. There were plenty of small birds on the Fen too - Reed Buntings, Sedge Warblers, a family of Long-tailed Tits and a deafening Cetti's Warbler, which, of course was impossible to see.
There were many different kinds of Dragonfly on the wing, but not all are willing to pose for a photo. Every year, it feels like I have to start from scratch with Dragonfly ID. I think this is a Darter, but I'm not totally sure which one, so if anyone can help...
The pleasant weather lasted into the evening, so I got out the barbecue and we ate alfresco - seems ages since we've managed that.

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