Lazy Sunday...Lazy Lenses...& Just Lazy.

Its been a very cruisy day today starting off with a very long lay in...actually I could of stayed there all day. Nothing like a cozy warm bed on a chilly day.

I have found a lens...a lazy lens...I know my mate Sleepyhead was rabbiting on about a nifty fifty........I like a lens that I can put on my camera and it can stay it has to do everything I want...just about. I have a weird thing about dirty sensors and seeing as I am  so slapdash with my camera it is probably better I change lenses as least as possible.

Anyhoo Ive found one but of course it is rather expensive so I have been going through some of my camera stuff to start selling things I don't use.
The upshot of this long story is that I uncovered my 16mm with a fisheye adapter......not so compatible with a full frame camera but I plonked it on and went to the river was a lot of fun...I think I'm gonna keep it.
(Oh and I did an extra of rumi...he is looking a lot better and the hair around his little eyes is growing back now).

“Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.”
Robert A. Heinlein

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